This document has been published in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes the modern slavery and human trafficking statement for Azumi Ltd and its relevant subsidiaries.
We have zero tolerance to slavery and human trafficking of any kind in our operations and supply chain. We are proud of the steps we have taken to date in order to combat slavery and human trafficking and we are committed to improving our practices to combat slavery and human trafficking wherever required in the future.
Our business
We are a luxury global restaurant group in the hospitality sector. Azumi Ltd (and members of its corporate group) operate under its flagship brand, ‘Zuma’ as well as multiple other brands including ‘Roka’, ‘Inko Nito’ and ‘Oblix’.
Azumi Ltd has over 2200 employees worldwide and owns and operates restaurants in Europe, the United States of America, Middle East, and Southeast Asia. Azumi Ltd has suppliers in the UK and internationally.
As a responsible business, we recognise our responsibility to ensure that our business activities are guided by the careful balance of the interests of our stakeholders, and it is our responsibility to promote high standards of ethical behaviour across our supply chain.
Our policies on slavery and human trafficking
We are committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in our supply chains or in any part of our business. Our Anti-slavery Policy reflects our commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure slavery and human trafficking is not taking place anywhere in our supply chains.
Our supply chains
Our supply chains include suppliers from across the world. We require all of our direct suppliers to share our commitment to tackling modern slavery and human trafficking and expect that they will work closely with their own suppliers, distributors and producers to promote total transparency and knowledge of operations within our supply chain.
Due diligence processes for slavery and human trafficking
As part of our initiative to identify and mitigate risk we have in place systems to:
- Identify and assess potential risk areas in our supply chains.
- Mitigate the risk of slavery and human trafficking occurring in our supply chains.
- Monitor potential risk areas in our supply chains.
- Protect whistle blowers.
The steps we have taken include:
- Appointing an appropriate People Manager with responsibility for overseeing the implementation and application of policies and procedures to prevent modern slavery and the annual preparation of our Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement.
- The Head of HR will report annually to the Board of Directors on slavery and human trafficking issues. Notes of all relevant meetings will be taken and retained to evidence this.
- The Company has a whistle blowing policy which ensures there are adequate procedures for staff to report modern slavery issues in the firm and its supply chain.
- We are prepared to respond to enquiries and challenges from inside and outside of the organisation on slavery and human trafficking within the firm and its supply chain. Any such enquiries will be handled as soon as possible and confirmed in writing.
- We have instigated a comprehensive firm-wide risk assessment, charting the firm’s supply chains across the Company in order to identify potential modern slavery risk areas.
- We rigorously check that all our employees have the right to work in this country and we ensure we pay at or above the national minimum wage.
- We apply the same rigorous checks to ensuring that any agency workers are similarly checked by their respective employer and that no bonded labour is supplied.
- All our employees are paid by bank transfer and we do not allow payment to be made into third party bank accounts therefore minimising the risk of forced labour. However, we do employ family members and where possible we avoid this being a direct reporting relationship. In the event that this is the case, line managers are aware and monitor the situation.
Our Effectiveness in Combating Slavery and Human Trafficking
We will continue to keep under review and make all efforts to identify any significant risks in our business activities and supply chain and implement any actions appropriate or necessary directly with suppliers.
The Company and its Directors will review and update this policy on an annual basis and sign off as required.
This statement is made pursuant to section 54(6) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

Sven Koch, CEO
on behalf of Azumi Ltd